
I.M. Pei poster

This poster has used a variety of different elements. The horizontal columns from top to bottom contain different fonts and colors for text as well as large and small size. The use of background color is also noticeable. The crystal blue sky is used as the background to establish a connection to the text "Learning from light" . There are two images in this poster, one is a face of I.M Pei, the other one is a building from him. They have perfectly conveyed the themes of this film which is about how I.M. Pei approach the designing of architectures. They are also very successful in terms of grabing some attention from the readers. Because you can see a physical building applied with lighting from light to dark which automatically lure the readers to find out more about I.M. Pei's ideas on how lighting involve in architecture. The text "THE VISION OF I.M. PEI" is also executed well in terms of its postioning and color. It is in white which make the text stands out and postioned at top rather than bottom emphasizes the importance. The text down below " a film by ..."  establish a contrast with the white text above, delivering a message of which one is more important. Overall this is a good poster in a way the text, images are used.

